On Using "Speaking As..."

I agree with the idea in the recent New York Times Op-Ed by Kwame Anthony Appiah, a philosophy professor at NYU, "The Problem With ‘Speaking as a …’ and want to share it here:

Speak for yourself, not for a group or to underwrite your own opinions.  Your own ideas as a leader, whether in a community or as a team or even just in daily life, matter because they are YOUR ideas, not because they are underwritten by a label, category, or identity.  And not ever opinion, every idea, everything we're outraged by, needs to be shared and couched in terms of a singular identity.

So often today, especially in social media, people use this convention either to establish some authority or credibility, or to hide behind their own ideas and opinions.  We could all do better with a little more ownership and clarity, and a little less categorizing and labeling.  After all, the opinions of one group, no matter how much shared experience, are rarely, if ever homogenous.